Grand Central and Penn Station ?

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Grand Central and Penn Station ?

  • Excuse my ignorance as I am only new to this forum

    but is there anywhere that I can find a route that includes either of these stations and possibly before Penn station was built over. I have looked at but haven't found anything like it.

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  • It would benefit you to ask this question on the forum. There is much better information on what is in what routes there. I do know there is a New York New Jersey Route, but what it covers I do not know as I have not gotten it (YET!).

    There is an expansion of the NEC which may have the Penn Station layout you are looking for.

    There is also a Long Island RR route new last month that may have Grand Central (This is a BIG download and I am on dial-up so it has to wait).
    Dewey "Facts are meaningless; you can use facts to prove anything that is even remotely true! Facts, schmacks!" - Homer Simpson "The problem is there are so many stupid people and nothing eats them."
  • Try calling Amtrack i think its 1-800-USArail by phone and they will have a timetable of trains leaving and ariving at newyork grand central[bow][bow][bow][alien] glennbob
  • As far as I'm aware, there are no routes that include Penn Station or Grand Central (and I like to think I'd know if there were!). The expanded Northeast Corridor route is still only between Washington and Philadelphia (but includes a lot of the other trackage in that region, and is highly recommended) while the northern-NJ route doesn't include anything in NYC. I haven't tried out the LIRR route yet, but I don't believe it includes Penn Station.
  • Having grown up on Long Island, and commuted on the LIRR, I'll unequivicably state that the LIRR's manhatten terminal is Penn Statiuon. the Grand Central is the terminal for the routes north, the New Haven. The upstate routes end at Hoboken
  • In trainz, The route "new york city region" includes Penn Station, And the hudson line to garrison NY, and the NEC (just about a quarter of a mile tho of NEC).

    hope this helps