microsoft train sim

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microsoft train sim

  • cannot get train sim to run on new computer.Operating system is windows XP home version.Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.
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  • That's what I have and it works fine. You say it's a new computer so it shouldn't be out of memory. Hopefully somebody else can help you better than I can.

  • What does the computer say or do when you start the program?


    "Something hidden, Go and find it. Go and look behind the ranges, Something lost behind the ranges. Lost and waiting for you. Go." The Explorers - Rudyard Kipling

  • Do specify,
    the software program,
    the builder,
    the firewall,
    the type of modem,
    the name of your computer,
    the type of power, in megahurtz,
    the hard drive size in gigabite,
    the storage size, in gigabite,
    and where, and how you got the program,
    and by the way,
    how much you paid, I may want one!
    We shall do whatever it takes, to help you after this storm of learning curve, and im-power you to...
    Enjoy Your Hobby!
  • SUCCESS!! I reloaded the software,went on to the MSTS web page and downloaded the update and it now works fine. What it was doing before was going to the license agreement,when I clicked on accept, it would re-boot the machine. Thank You All for Your responses, Dan F.
  • Welcome aboard the train sim community, danf, test the links and be sure you have a firewall, and e-mail virus software, updated regularly.
    I use Symantec Norton, which I update practically every day.
    Their are some beautiful websites out their, like , which have awsome content, and links to explore!
    Enjoy Your Virtual Railroading!
  • Yes. Welcome.

    Definitely check this forum for some other MSTS sites. The game has so much more potential than was included in the basic package. There are some truely spectacular and fun FREE routes, activities, locos, rolling stock, and tools out there. I highly recommend the updated NEC route on and the Ohio Rails route (great freelance route with tons to do, including a river barge activity).
    Dewey "Facts are meaningless; you can use facts to prove anything that is even remotely true! Facts, schmacks!" - Homer Simpson "The problem is there are so many stupid people and nothing eats them."