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  • I need help gang.
    The problem is, if you have the add-on Tehachepi route from 3dts then you can help.
    The problem is the Santa Fe FP45 #90. There is a consist but, when you try to play it it always says ERROR: FAILED TO CREATE CABVIEW, then it closes out. If they made a consist, why is there no cabview?!! I have the same problem with the SD40. Any and all help is appretiated.
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  • Download ConBuilder from the Train-Sim.com file library and run a test with it.
  • Maybe something happened during the instalation, try reinstaling it
  • For the SD40, go into the My computer folder, then local disk, then program files, then the microsoft games folder, then the MSTS folder, then the trainsets folder. Find the SD40 you talkign about and copy the cab view and sounds from the GP 38 folder into the SD 40 folder. It should work then, or at least that;s what I had to do wiht a different SD40 I down loaded.

  • From my experience, it seems that they put in one locomotive that they did not make a cabview for in almost every route I get. I just use it for helper engines or for engines on the other traffic.



  • Read the readme, it should tell you the cab files to use. However, you shoud learn to alias. I have a tutorial on aliasing in my forum. Once you learn how to do it, it is very easy.

    I use either Dekosoft or MLT cabs on my engines. They have most of what I want covered.
    Kevin Arceneaux Mining Engineer, Penn State 1979