Problems with the MSTS kaspeil line

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Problems with the MSTS kaspeil line

  • I was driving down the kaspiel line in Marias past this morning, heading away from kaspiel twards where you have the choice of going to whitefi***o the left and Shelby to the right. Well, I was driving two dash 9's back wards over the switch that I think is the airport switch or something like that, on my way to the junction thing to head to shelby on the explore route mode. I had the engines in notch 8 going about 25 with 10 or so cars, when suddenly at the switch, the cars detached from the two engines and started going about 70. I got her stoped in a mile or so, and backe dup to get the cars. I hooked up and pulled ahead, this time the first car came, but then the seconed detached, and I began going really fast again. Any idea why it's detaching? I haven't gone this direction over the switch before, but I've been the other way many times and never had any problems but this time I ran up and turned around at the end of the line and came back (why the engines were running backwards) instead of ending the activity at kaspeil. Can any body help me? I would really apreciate any help.

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  • Classic MSTS coupler bug, just go slow through the area that you uuncouple. BTW if you already haven't get the replacement Dash 9 at
  • Thanks dougal. What exactly is the replacement Dash 9 suposed to be for?

  • It makes the engine look 10,000 times nicer.
  • I tried the link and it didnt work. is there another place to get the new dash 9??


    "Something hidden, Go and find it. Go and look behind the ranges, Something lost behind the ranges. Lost and waiting for you. Go." The Explorers - Rudyard Kipling

  • I have the same problem with my GP38-2 on the Kalispal line! Is there a replacement Geep?
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by miniwyo

    I tried the link and it didnt work. is there another place to get the new dash 9??
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by Heartland Flyer

    I have the same problem with my GP38-2 on the Kalispal line! Is there a replacement Geep?

    I don't think so, just try to go slow in the area where coupler breaks, hopefully that will help.
  • Dougal, I've tried going slow, but it doesn't work. I just have to stop, rehook, pull one more car, breack, stop, rehook, pull ahead, another car comes, untill it goes all the way over the switch, it's really annoying, but it's the only thing that works.

  • Yes, there is a replacement GP38-2. It is available at
    I would post a screenshot of the one I have but the site won't let me.

    EDIT: I added the pic of the replacement GP38-2. You can also see a little bit of MLT's replacement Dash 9-44CW.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by Noah Hofrichter

    Dougal, I've tried going slow, but it doesn't work. I just have to stop, rehook, pull one more car, breack, stop, rehook, pull ahead, another car comes, untill it goes all the way over the switch, it's really annoying, but it's the only thing that works.


    Sounds like you've got bounding box problems. Try editing the "Size" and "InertiaTensior" lines in the WAG files.
  • To be more specific, edit the length values of the "Size" and "InertiaTensior" lines in the WAG files. If the Bounding Boxes touch, the cars won't go around curves as they should. Most new rolling stock have the proper Bounding Boxes. The default rolling stock don't. They are just crap.
  • Thanks, I'll have to give that a try.
  • you cannot use the front couples one locomotives, it will cause the game to crash, glitch, and to something screwy somewhere. I had a dash 9 with 7 cars, it was long hood forward, no problems, xcept wouldsnt go ov 15 mph ... its the front couper, cant use it

    10000 feet and no dynamics? Today is going to be a good day ... 

  • Actually, you can use the front coupler. We have been doing a lot of work at "fixing" physics in the eng and wag files. Look in Rich Garber's All abourd forum at We have a subforum in there that has a tremendous amount of information on revising physics.

    DO NOT TRY TO ADJUST THE BOUNDING BOX VALUES EXCEPT IN THE BOUNDING BOX EDITOR!!!!! It is available from teh downloads at You can really screw things up.

    There are two replacement GP38's. One is Justin Cornell's and the other is from Jason Splitler. I am on the wrong computer and cannot give you the links right now.
    Kevin Arceneaux Mining Engineer, Penn State 1979