Railroads! by Sid Meier

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Railroads! by Sid Meier

  • The cover looks like a knockoff of Cars. That's all I had to say. http://www.2kgames.com/railroads/railroads.html

    Is this going to be worth getting? Looks and sounds like origional Railroad Tycoon with better graphics and improved features, possibly? I'll admit RRT2-Platinum had me addicted for the longest time. Then I finally broke down and bought RRT3 when the price came down, but coudn't get into it as well. Graphics were awesome and all but as far as scenarios I just wasn't interested anymore. Played mostly sandbox mode. Spent more time on the Loco-commotion game that came with it.

     This new 'tycoon' game looks like it tries to appeal to a younger crowd than it's predecessors as did each sucessor to the origional. That could be a good thing or a bad thing.

    Sid Meier makes some of the best PC games I've seen, like Civilization and Pirates and I've never had problems installing these games unlike other game makers that require some super high processing mega game pci card that'll drain every bit of RAM and freeze the game before the opening logo appears.

    Am I going to buy it? Maybe, but probably just as another way to kill time while time kills me.

    yad sdrawkcab s'ti

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  • It's a great game.