Retreiving screenshots

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Retreiving screenshots

  • I can't find any screenshots I have taken on MSTS

    Also, how do get screenshots in Trainz?

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  •  wyomingrailfan wrote:

    I can't find any screenshots I have taken on MSTS

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Train Simulator

     wyomingrailfan wrote:

    Also, how do get screenshots in Trainz?

    C:\Program Files\Auran\TRS2006\ScreenShots

    J Trane
  • Try that....and if that don't work...(which it should) let me know....And I'll help ya out more...Give that a shot first ;)
    J Trane
  •  WCL wrote:
     wyomingrailfan wrote:

    I can't find any screenshots I have taken on MSTS

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Train Simulator

     wyomingrailfan wrote:

    Also, how do get screenshots in Trainz?

    C:\Program Files\Auran\TRS2006\ScreenShots

     To elaborate a little more, MSTS stores the pictures in the Train Simulator folder.  Just open that folder and you will see them all stuck in with all the other folders.  You can move them to other folders or just click on them to see them. 

    Dewey "Facts are meaningless; you can use facts to prove anything that is even remotely true! Facts, schmacks!" - Homer Simpson "The problem is there are so many stupid people and nothing eats them."