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  • I have the Train Collection Ultimate Trainz 1, Trainz 2 and am looking for a summary sheet or listing of keyboard key functions. Would like to print it for quick and handy reference. Does anyone know if such a summary exists?
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  • Dont know if this link will help you or not, as it is listed as for Australian keyboards? Didnt know they had their own keyboards down there?
  • Thanks for the lead. I'll check it with the coding in the manual text.
  • This questions are for Explore these websites and report back and continue this thread, please, You must have a Auran Product code to download their freeware, or otherwise register as you would this website, and can access the forum legit. Greg Lane's got it going, and lotsof neet stuff is in their future! I have 50+ downloads waiting for trainz! HELP!