FotoContest, No Dash 9

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FotoContest, No Dash 9

  • Hi,

    how can I join that contest? I don't have the Dash 9 on my TS-Box. On mine is the Flying Scotchman? How come????

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  • Hi Minosch:

    Your version of the game is the European market version. The box differs between the US version (Dash 9) and European version (Scotsmann) due to different interests in the two markets.

    I'm sure you're still eligible to participate in the contest. All you need is to take a photo of the real 4723 and send it in.

  • Good luck finding the real 4723. I hear it is
    going through Paddington Station each noon
    all through November!

    It should be pretty easy for you to get the
    Marias Pass activities and other data - just
    get the files online from the American version,
    though I don't know where exactly.

    I also would like information on how to find
    the contest entry form at