Train Dispatcher 3 Help!

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Train Dispatcher 3 Help!

  • Anyone know if Train Dispatcher 3 program includes track territory for the NS line from Toledo to Conway, PA??? I looked on their website and I see Toledo to Berea, OH is available, but I don't see from Berea onward to Conway, PA.  I wouldn't be interested in the software if it didn't include the NS chicago line from Cleveland/Berea eastward accross the drawbridge to Conway, PA. Thanks.

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  • Update: I got a reply from softrail support: "Not sure.  We have over 700 territories and we would have to do the same search as you did.   Please note that there are both free and for sales territories and there are different libraries for Train Dispatcher 2 and Train Dispatcher 3.  Please also note that this territory maybe under Conrail."

    I'm rather disappointed.  They can't tell me if they have the territory I am interested in? If someone here has this software I would be appreciative if someone would check if the territory Im looking for is in it.  Just take a look.  It is a very important segment for intermodal traffic of NS.  Thank youj.

  • I've had Train Dispatcher 3 for several years and am familiar with their catelog of territories. 

    What you have said you have found is all that's available.  The Toledo-Berea territory is based on 1996 Conrail operations and may not reflect anything close to current NS operating patterns.  NO ONE has written a territory file for Berea, OH-Conway, PA for either Train Dispatcher 2 or Train Dispatcher 3 in either free or for sale.

     Sorry what you're looking for isn't available.


  • Thanks.  I took a leap of faith and bought the program, assuming that they must have all of NS chicago mainline territory from chicago to Conway Yard (because of the huge volume of intermodal and other traffic on this line).  Of course as you pointed out, Conrail Toledo to Berea is there and you are correct in hardly resembles current NS operation.  Overall, it's a pretty good program, although there are no road crossings???  A major part of train dispatching is dealing with road crossings (i.e. not blocking them) when trains are to be held for extended periods of time. 


  • Theres a lot of nice ones out there....I got ALL the ones for Wisconsin including CP WC and UP :)
    J Trane