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Microsoft Train Sim 2 Announced.

  • Well guess what? TS2 comes out in 12 months!!!

    SoapBox [soapbox]*%$#!@*%??!!!!!!

    -Michael It's baaaacccckkkk!!!!!!
  • No big deal, some games take 3,4 or even 5 years.

    Heck, some engines in HO were announced two years ago and not yet availible.

  • Looks like the Dash 9-40CW and the ES44DC are going to be in the game.

    This is getting exciting!

    Long live the BNSF .... AND its paint scheme. SchemerBob
  •  SchemerBob wrote:

    Looks like the Dash 9-40CW and the ES44DC are going to be in the game.

    This is getting exciting!

    Hopefully, they would add AC traction and Switcher operations...

  •  Metra kid wrote:

    It looks amazing!

    I changed my miind on my chrismas presents. I now what a computer thats will show this games full abilities and graphics!! 

    You will want a Nvidia 8800 Class Video Card, 2 Gigabyte Ram, Raptors in Raid- 0 as a minimum. Im running 7800 GS OC, Raid 0 and two of ram on 5 year old hardware and still going strong in COD4. However I can tell when larger, newer rigs are in a firefight these days.

    Keep in mind you can start with a case, one hard drive, motherboard cpu video card etc and build up as you go. My system is in it's 7th rebuild and possibly looking at two more years before everything in the case is completely replaced due to attrition.

    Stay away from anything that has a store brand on it. Try to spec or build your own.

  • What do you think?



  •  chefjavier wrote:

    What do you think?

    Confused [%-)]


    Long live the BNSF .... AND its paint scheme. SchemerBob
  • Just looked on the MSTS2 site and they've got a bunch of new articles and things on their homepage. They also have a video of the game, but I couldn't get it to work. It's looking good, though, better with each update!
    Long live the BNSF .... AND its paint scheme. SchemerBob
  • I looked at the designer profiles and holy crap, Rick Shelby is on the team!?!?
    I can't wait for the addons, and I it's supposed to come out next year instead of this year.
    -Michael It's baaaacccckkkk!!!!!!
  • You don't need an X-BOX 360 for HD display.  I've run Trainz, MSTS and Rail Simulator all on a 65-inch HD TV by jacking a PC with an HDMI output into it.  Just adjust the screen resolution through Control Panel/Display for a true widescreen resolution and play away.
  • Question.  Is the game take up a lot of space on your computer.  What exactly do you do in the game.
  •  4-6-6-4 Challanger wrote:
    Question.  Is the game take up a lot of space on your computer.  What exactly do you do in the game.

    You are inside the locomotive cab and are to drive a train.

    Today's computers are quite beefy and have space. Just dont get caught with a cheap store bought box with inadequate hardware.

    I prefer to build my own machines and not buy retail. If that comment makes me a snob and aloof... so be it.

  • So is it a game where you just drive around or do you get money and how big is the area you dirve in?  is there steam engins?
  • How big?

    Well, how about dozens of miles similar to FSX? In FSX you could take off from KBWI in a 737 and get to KLIT in real time and computer space. If You had 24 hours to spare to sit at the computer you might wanna fly a 747 from Sydey Austrailia to LAX.

    Some war games had servers where the battle space is more than 25 miles on each side of the box and up to a few thousand feet in height.

    They said they are going to replicate the Horseshoe Curve. They mean it. All of it is going to be on your machine for you to travel in for example.

    There was a shuttle flight a few years back that mapped the earth in 3D with a error of about 2 meters or so in all three dimensions. That made pretty good games possible. More accurate mapping down to feet or less in error are saved for the Military.


    If you drove a train through Horseshoe often enough, slowly enough you remember what the terrain looks like. Sooner or later if you ever physically travel to Horseshoe, you will know down to the kilometer or less where everything is located.

  • So the way i am understanding it is i can drive a train from new york to san fransico and it would take 3 days in real time to do it.