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Microsoft Train Sim 2 Announced.

  • Those graffix do look great dont they? take a note of warning from a avid aviation fan and flightsimmer. FSX crippled pc's even the high spec ones MS brought out a patch that improved the frame rates but lots and lots blurries.

    MS are using the same technology that they used in fsx which makes me think if i get it its gonna be the same all over again. unless they iron out these fsx issues before MSTS2 hits the shelves.

    As for which OS it will be compatible with, i would say vista will be the baseline, i would personally say it should fair better if i was released for the xbox. i would sooner pay out money for a xbox knowing MSTS2 will work as expected, rather than trying to upgrade my pc with all the pit falls that happen when doing an upgrade.

  • I have upgraded my PC several generations and am current with the latest games with acceptable performance. However Im considering a new build.
  •  Falls Valley RR wrote:
    I have upgraded my PC several generations and am current with the latest games with acceptable performance. However Im considering a new build.

    Im the same. but were does it stop most of us dont have the income to keep upgrading its an endless process. most of us dont have the funds to do this every 2mins which makes me think putting these sims on to a games console seems the best way.

  • Just looked on MSTS2's website and they added some screenshots featuring the new BNSF Dash 9's:

    It's looking good!

    Long live the BNSF .... AND its paint scheme. SchemerBob
  • Tis American Steam they need to put on there. THere is enough oilheads to go around already.
  • I agree. Maybe something like UP's 844 or 3985, Pere Marquette 1225 of something of that nature. An equal variety of diesel/steam/electric locomotives is in order, rather than the "2 Steam Engines, 3 Diesels, and 4 Electrics" in the original version.

    Gee, you only had nine default locomotives you could drive. One thing I really like about Trainz is all of the equipment you get right out-of-the-box. I hope MSTS2 does something similar.

    I hope they release some information about the different routes soon!

    Long live the BNSF .... AND its paint scheme. SchemerBob
  • Not to go off topic but needed to ask about the Rio Grande 2-8-0 that was in one of the Trainz games.

    I cannot find this engine illustrated on the internet with the specific trainz software it is used in. Does anyone have this virtual engine and the game title it was in?

    I fly FSX on medium to low settings and the aircraft performs acceptably well with sufficient precision to stay on final in bad weather via gps all the way down.

    I had a Add-on to the orginal msts with the F unit and 4-6-4 silver NYC and it was alot of fun, especially the steam vs desiel race... better hang on to those drinks back there in the dining car lol.

  •  Falls Valley RR wrote:

    Not to go off topic but needed to ask about the Rio Grande 2-8-0 that was in one of the Trainz games.

    I cannot find this engine illustrated on the internet with the specific trainz software it is used in. Does anyone have this virtual engine and the game title it was in?

    I think a Rio Grande 2-8-0 came with my Trainz Railroad Simulator 2006. Looks like it's modeled after narrow gauge engines but I think it's actually standard gauge.

    Long live the BNSF .... AND its paint scheme. SchemerBob
  • Thank you for the information. That engine I think was standard gauge. I recall a small yard and a saw mill on the hilltop past a bridge with this engine. Is this the same as your Trainz 2006?

    One more question, was it there any difference between the Trainz 2006? and deluxe (Was there any difference for that year or just one game for 2006?)

    Thanks for the help!

  • Does anyone know when TS2 is due out?

    That website has been up for about a year, and so far no product....What gives?

    "Chairman of the Awkward Squad" "We live in an amazing, amazing world that is just wasted on the biggest generation of spoiled idiots." Flashing red lights are a warning.....heed it. " I don't give a hoot about what people have to say, I'm laughing as I'm analyzed" What if the "hokey pokey" is what it's all about?? View photos at:
  •  TimChgo9 wrote:

    Does anyone know when TS2 is due out?

    That website has been up for about a year, and so far no product....What gives?

    One of my games Call of Duty 4 has been in the works for years. It only now just came out about a month ago.

    I expect quality products to take time in development. Not like the scattering of bargin bin offerings or certain software producers light on the quality and heavy on the fluff.

  • Keep checking this site here:


    J Trane
  • i wish there was a GOOD simulator for a Mac(don't even THINK about bashing it)

    but I'm going to get a PC, so I hope to get MSTS2, but I already have Trainz Driver Edition and MSTS.

    -Michael It's baaaacccckkkk!!!!!!
  • The MAC is a good computer. I just prefer to build my own from parts.

    I think eventually all computers will run the same games depending on hardware.

    I have recall of trying to shift video files between someone's MAC and my XP and it was alot of fun trying to get one video to work on both machines.

  • It looks amazing!

    I changed my miind on my chrismas presents. I now what a computer thats will show this games full abilities and graphics!!