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Installing New engines in MSTS.

  • It seemed simple enough,but installing Thomas the train,is shall we say interesting.I extracted all the folders and files into MSTS and copied the CAB and sound folders in.Now all I had to do was use the MSTS editor.
    After doing a bit of reading here and there about "Consists" and finding the consist editor,the instructions in the readme file said to just find the trains you want and install them using the consist editor.
    Well the only engines the consist editor found were ones that were already there,I didn't see Thomas,Annie or even a Clarabel.
    My question is how does the consist editor find the trains I just put into MSTS?
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  • You should get conbuilder in whatever incarnation it is in now. It is available for free at a number of sites. Much easier to build the consists and save them. It also checks the files to make sure they will work. There are any number of reasons that the new downloads may be missing. The most common is a misnamed wagon line in the file. Conbuilder would be where I would start. Once the report there is clear, you will see the items in its list.

    On the MSTS consist editor if I remember correctly, you have to pick steam or whatever for the locomotive, and euro or american for the rolling stock (and maybe passenger or freight). I can't remember. Haven't used it in ages.

    Once you actually have a saved consist with them in it, it should be available under explore the route. You may need to scroll a bit to find them. There is a small download available out there which expands the list so you have a bigger window out there too which is a nice thing to have when you get more than 10 locomotives!
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