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Train Dispatcher 3

  • Anyone else enjoy this software? I would say I have more fun with this than any other train sim software. Why? Because, how realistic is controlling a whole division or territory including mainline freights, locals, and yard jobs. Throw in track warrants and speed restrictions, plus hot box and dragging equipment detectors, and you have enough to keep even the most die hard railfan busy for hours. If you have any interest at all in how real rail traffic is kept moving, try this sim!

    Favorite territory: USA Norfolk Southern Illinois Div Decatur Terminal IL 2002
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  • I agree! I particulary enjoy the NYC subways and the Long Island Railraod. I enjoy trying to get the passengers to their destinations 'on time'
  • [8D] I enjoyed the TD2, and TD3 Demo's enough to pay for Train3(TD3.5).
    I have and use NS Atlanta to Chattanooga, because I lived in Rome, GA for ten years. I know all the trains from listening to my scanner back then.
    The trains on all the schedules or routes, are for real. Some may be added, none are stopped, only moved, however for the period of time the route is made, they're real.
    I also like to study Jacksonville, FL to Lakeland FL, because I lived in Lakeland. Both the SAL and ACL lines are displayed, but you have to really study, because it can drive you nuts.
    Another of my Favorites is the DanOak route, Danville, KY to Oakdale, TN the "Rathole". The trains are in the same order as on the Pentrex video"Cabride Over The Rathole".
    The Atlanta to Chattanooga on CSX is another good one, there is a wye at Cartersville(Junta, pronounced Yunta), and even if its is the buisiest single track main in the United States, it fits the screen better than the two Florida routes.
    Also the Clinchfield Railroad, from Elkhorn City, KY to Spartenburg, SC, gives me the real-time train list, and I use it on the ClinchTRS Route, in Auran TRS2004
    I look to Train 3 as a great gaming enjoyment, and I know others can also.
  • I just started, but I downloaded a whole bunch of western railroad subs. For a while I went to the Univ of Illinois in Champaign and traveled to Chicago a lot on the IC during the early '60's. I really enjoy the IC 1951 sims. But one question -- anyone know how to print a train list?

    There's so many busy diamonds on this sim that it gets confusing -- be nice to print it out for reference.
  • Sorry about the stupid question about printing. My wife just told me how to do it. Duh !!
  • As a former Train Dispatcher (CR, ATSF, GTW) I really enjoy this program. I look out my 6th floor window and watch NS and CN go through town and have my scanner on, all while I'm dispatching trains! The nice thing about this now is I can walk away any time I feel like it and not have to sit here for 8 hours!!!