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Engines don't work for me.

  • When I try to download an engine, say for example BNSF 740 from, I put it in my trainset folder, open MSTS tools, and when I click on it, it freezes the program. Then I coppied the data from one folder to the other, and it still didn;t work. Please can someone help me?.
    Andrew Barchifowski, Glen Ellyn</font id="red">, LJ, #3300, Scott, FLODO.
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  • I need more information. Are you unzipping the file first. Also, some of the downloads are not complete locomotives and require you to copy cabviews and sounds from another locomotive. The readme file should indicate what you need to do and how to do it. Also, some of the downloads available depend on payware versions for their shapes. You have to copy and rename them to do that too.

    At this point I almost never unzip anything into MSTS directly as I have found too much other junk gets moved there (readmes, pictures, etc). I move the files after I have added whatever is missing.

    There is an excellent description of how to install items on the forum for MSTS (General Discussion). It is locked to the front of the forum so you can find it easily.
    Dewey "Facts are meaningless; you can use facts to prove anything that is even remotely true! Facts, schmacks!" - Homer Simpson "The problem is there are so many stupid people and nothing eats them."
  • I have tried the troublshooter, and that works. That made the engine viewable. But it slows the game down. Can you help me now?
    Andrew Barchifowski, Glen Ellyn</font id="red">, LJ, #3300, Scott, FLODO.