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Help On An Activity

  • I have downloaded a Marias Pass Activity for the Default Marias Pass,It is also for the 3.1 Marias Pass.It is Called Heavy Coal East from Whitefish Yard too Shelby Yard in 2 Parts. Part 1 is from Whitefish Yard To Essex,IAN Part 2 is from Essex to Shelby. In Part one you are suppose to start with 2 BN SD70MAC"S.Then ya are suppose to pick up 3 more right where you start from Then after that you are suppose to go to Whitefish Siding 5 Pick up 10 BN Coal Hoopers.But I cant pick em up due too 2 Red Signal's one ahead of me and another Behind me.It also says Depart Whitefish at 13:15:00 Im sitting on the Siding where I picked up my 3 BN SD70MAC"S,Then I get a Clear but there is no way to Pick up those 10 Cars on Siding 5.So I stopped like it said too do once ya get a clear Signal stop past the Last SIgnal after you have passed the 2 switches once ya leave Whitefish Yard l.Then it says make a Reverse Move and its suppsoe to put ya on the siding to pick up your Cars,But it wont let me alos there is an Amtrak Train Behind me waiting for me to move but there is no where to go.Then I waited for the Amtrak on the Siding where I got those 3 BN SD70MAC"S.SO I waited for him too pass me I got the Clear and he went on then once I follwed him I got a Red Signal again,Dose anyone know what too do let me kow Thanks[:(]
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  • Don't have that one yet. Just to eliminate the obvious, have you requested permission to pass the red (Tab key) from the dispatcher? I have noticed on a couple of routes I downloaded for the Florida Funnel the lights are red and I have to ask permission to proceed.
    Dewey "Facts are meaningless; you can use facts to prove anything that is even remotely true! Facts, schmacks!" - Homer Simpson "The problem is there are so many stupid people and nothing eats them."
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by StillGrande

    Don't have that one yet. Just to eliminate the obvious, have you requested permission to pass the red (Tab key) from the dispatcher? I have noticed on a couple of routes I downloaded for the Florida Funnel the lights are red and I have to ask permission to proceed.

    where did you get the Flordia funnel route

  • The funnel is available at in the file library.

    NOTE: There is a revised sig files that Kent sent me. I will post it over the weekend in my forum at I may also dig it out and redo the activites I had done for it.
    Kevin Arceneaux Mining Engineer, Penn State 1979
  • That is good to know. I have been trying to track down some of the "required locosets" for some of the other activities listed in the read-mes. I think I am still short a couple. has the routes, activities, and train sets. My only problem there is actually knowing what to look for. was where I got the information about it and a bunch of things I should have had for MSTS, but didn't (like the consist checker). This site is more a pointer and explainer, while train-sim is the library. Both are really good to browse.
    Dewey "Facts are meaningless; you can use facts to prove anything that is even remotely true! Facts, schmacks!" - Homer Simpson "The problem is there are so many stupid people and nothing eats them."