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  • While spending time with my grandpa he was telling me a story about when he was a kid on how he liked trains as well....Well my grandpa lived up near the ore mines up near the LS&I and the CNW...Well one day he went out with his new camera and wanted to try something he never done before...He wanted to take some pictures of trains...Thinking on how cool it would be to have some memories of this railroad....So he got on his bike and went down by the ore loader and when he got there he seen a CNW loaded ore train pulling hard up the grade to get its train moving....These are some of the pix he took and I wanna share them with you as well....

    J Trane
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  • You're Grandpa must be as old as me, cause I remember taking pics of those same Alco's 20+ years ago !! Very nice shots you got there, lotta memories. Smile [:)]
  • Yeah they were fun to look at...Thanks for looking and for the comment

    J Trane