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GAURC: Grand Canyon Line (TRS2006 Screenshots & Video)

  • Grand Canyon Line
    The Grand Canyon Railway departs daily from Williams, Arizona and travels almost due north to the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park. The trip measures 65 miles and takes 2 hours and 15 minutes each way, 45 minutes faster than in 1901 when the train made its first trip.

    And, a short video...

    Release date: Summer 2008

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  • GAURC, when will the GCRY line be avalible???

    - Luke

    Modeling the Southern Pacific in the 1960's-1980's

  • Hi! Thanks for your interest.

    I was originally planning for beta testing this Christmas. During development, I've been using the fictional Blackberry Mountain Line as sort of a test-bed for ideas to use on the other routes. The net result is that the BML is much closer to a release version than any of the others.

    Despite invitations for people to join and participate, the GAURC development team remains mostly just myself. Progress on my two prototypically accurate routes, Arizona Divide and Grand Canyon Line proceeds at a snail's pace. I would be lying if I gave a planned release date. Progress updates are posted on the website.


  •  I can't wait tell the Grand Canyon Line for Trainz 2006 comes out! Will it be a freeware download or a payware?  Merry Christmas!

    - Luke

    Modeling the Southern Pacific in the 1960's-1980's

  • The Grand Canyon Line will be freeware.


  • Wow....If I was a big steam fan...This route would be a must....I know my grandpa would LOVE to run on this....He is a big steam fan (go figure) LOL......Very nicely done :)
    J Trane
  • Thanks for the kind review. Much appreciated.
