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Escanaba and Lake Superior

  • Here you will see some posts about the ELS in TRS style....A TRS route based on the Escanaba and Lake Superior RR in Wisconsin here
    J Trane
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  • Well today was one of them days where we figure we go out for a nice ride and check out the fall colors up north around Escanaba and do a lil RR fanning up there...Even though we know the ELS does NOT like RR fans near there stuff but we knew that WC was up there and they don't mind at all....When we got there the first thing we did was head over to the WC yard to see what was going on.

    When we got there we seen a DMIR coming from the round house

    He then backed down into the yard

    We then relized what he was doing and was switching out the ore docks at the other end of the yard

    We then left the yard and headed to the ELS yard but on the way we wanted to get this nice shot of the light house that guards the city of Escanaba

    When we got to the ELS tracks we got out and walked up to the tracks and looked down the yard...We then took note of the lovely signs all over the place about NO RR FANS

    We then figured we could get to see the power in the yard if we went down to the other end...But when we got there...The good ol signs looked us right in the eyes

    We then said well nothing was going on here just yet and we heard some horns coming from the WC yard...We then hurried back to the yard and right when we got there the lights came on and the gates came down

    But when we got there it was that DMIR flat switching the yard with the empty ore cars

    After that has been going on for a few hours or so we then went for a lil ride around town to do some shopping...Seeing only fair thing is if the woman comes along and she has to RR fan...We have to shop to make it fair....After we got all done shopping we then heard some action over at the ELS yard...We then took off to see what was going on and when we got there we seen the ELS #402 hitting the crossing

    But then we knew something was up when he backed all the way into the yard

    And shut his lights off

    We then went back to the other part of the yard to see what was going on and when we got there the crew got off and headed out for lunch...And thats what we did to.

    After lunch we then went back to the ELS yard knowing that the train will be leaving any time soon here....When we got back the crew came back as well and climbed aboard its train and away it went

    The traing rolling now at a good ol 15MPH the train makes its way west out of town and soon onto the tracks of the WC

    Hopping off the ELS tracks now and onto the WC the train will now be on WC tracks headed for Pembine...The tracks to the right of the train are the tracks of the WC that leads to the yard

    Coming now to the Jct with the CNW at Hermansville we see a CNW train waiting for the ELS to clear the diamond

    With the ELS in the clear...The CNW train stomps over the diamond

    At Pembine now we see the train hopping off WC tracks and back onto the tracks of the ELS

    At this diamond the only thing that protects it are these 2 stop signs where the ELS has to come to a complete stop before heading over the diamond

    With the ELS gone we then see the WC local that works between here and Escanaba

    We were wondering why it stopped by the yard office but we then knew what was up after he came out with a piece of paper and walked up to us and asked us if we wanted a cab ride back to Escanaba

    I said sure and told the woman to meet me back in Escanaba to pick me up...After I signed the waiver I climbed aboard the train and got to know the crew a lil bit and away we went

    Boy what a nice view they had from up here of all the colors

    Coming into the yard at Escanaba we see a switcher and the DMIR in the yard and some other WC power around

    After hopping down from the train I took one last shot of this beauty

    I then walked over by the sand tower and seen this WC SD45 sitting so I took this shot

    And also this shot of the power in the yard

    Seeing that it was getting late we then thought it was time to go on home so we both grabbed a soda and went on home

    On the way home we heard a horn...We thought wow the ELS sure was going slow...We hurried up some and raced it to the next crossing

    Slowing way down now coming into Crivitz the train is about to make its stop in the yard where it will swap cars with the Marinette local before heading back to Pembine and then onto Escanaba

    Passing the power from the Marinette train

    When the train came to a halt the crew got out and went into the yard office and I quick ran out of the car and ran up to the tracks and shot this one last shot before going on home

    Well that was our trip...Hope you liked it...Next trip will be the ELS ballast train from the Groveland spur...More action coming soon your way....

    J Trane
  • Well today was yet another nice day to RR fan...So we grabbed our stuff and out the door we went....We first headed down to the ELS yard to see what was going on...But as soon as we got there the WC transfer was coming into the ELS yard with its train for the ELS that will be tacked onto its train for Crivitz

    Coming into the yard in Green Bay we get set up right by the depot

    The WC wastes no time on getting its train cut and parked in the yard

    With the switching complete the WC grabs its cars from the ELS and drags its train back to the Green Bay yard

    With the WC in the clear the ELS crew climbs aboard its train and starts making up its train for Crivitz

    A cop sits near the crossing to see who will blow thru the crossing when its flashing

    The ELS train blasts past the old depot at Stiles Jct

    A porch shot of the lead unit

    Arriving at Crivitz the Marinette train has arrived and the Green Bay train will swap the cars with the Marinette train before heading back to Green Bay

    With the switching complete the ELS train heads east for Marinette

    Out side of town in Marinette the ELS train makes its way into the gates of the Kimberly Clark Paper Mill

    At the mill an ELS switch job is taking place as the 101 is switching out the mill by pulling out the empties and swaping them for loads

    The WC transfer has arrived on the other side of the mill with its train for the mill...The WC and the ELS both switch out this mill

    With the WC pulling into the clear the ELS and the WC will then cut its cars from its train and the 101 will do some switching in the yard

    After a nice day of chasing this train from Green Bay to Crivitz and then the Crivitz to Marinette train....I think we did a good job today and yet we got to even see the good ol WC come into the picture....Next trip we will take will be the Crivitz to Pembine and then over to Escanaba on the WC and some CNW action at Hermansville




    J Trane
  • Today we took a lil trip to a new part of the state...On this part of the state the fall foliage was beautiful and yet this RR that were going to go and see will blend right in with the fall colors....This part of the state had a lil shortline working which was called the Escanaba and Lake Superior RR....Today we decided to check it out....

    When we first got there we seen the DS4-4-660 number 101 getting ready to pull the local out of town

    A shot of the lil yard with some ELS power laying over on jobs
    The ELS 101 the ELS GP38-2 400 and the ELS SD9 1223

    The 101 gets on its way to make its way across the state

    Now doing some street running in a lil town

    We then raced him to this lil bridge where he went under us

    Another shot of him going across a small bridge right before town

    In town now he takes the WYE to swing his train around to back it down the siding

    Backing up to spot its cars in the siding

    With its cars spotted in the siding the power cuts off the train and pulls up to the office to turn in for the day


    J Trane
  • Well today was another nice day to go and chase the ELS...Today when we got to the yard we were in for a real treat....Today the SD9 and the GP38-2 was on the point and that he was going to lead the train today over to the Nuclear Power Plant

    As the train got its cars all ready to pull....He did an air test and off he went

    With the last car passing the wig wags we got in the car and took off to a spot that was near a lil creek

    Then we headed for town to wait for him to come down the street

    We then went over to a friends house where he gets a nice front row seat of all the trains that run on this line....Well the trains are not that busy....Trains are usually 3-5 a day

    After we left his house we then headed down behind some woods where he zipped along side this lil bridge

    Now coming to a stop near the WYE to throw the switch towards the plant

    We then set up along side this road...and boy...when we look at these tracks....we are shocked to see that these trains still run on this line....The ELS does not have a lot of money to fix there tracks as you can see

    The train passes a dog while the conductor throws a treat out the window...As soon as he hears the horn the dog knows that the train is coming and that the conductor always throws a treat out the window

    The train now at the switch that will take it into the plant

    The gate closed the guards go out and slide there card to open the gate

    With the gate open the train starts out slow through the gates

    As the train slows through the power plant the train comes to a stop in the yard where it will cut away from its consist and pull up to the service tracks where it will tie up for the night

    With the crew gone now the ELS power sits on the tracks where it will get fueled back up and tomarrow head back with loads and empties from the plant



    J Trane