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maple leaf tracks trouble....

  • yesterday i bought the shuswap subdivision from maple leaf tracks and never recieve dthe confirmination email. i bought the southern pacific route from them and was very pleased with no problems. what do i do now? 


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  • I've never had any luck with 'em. Tried to get one of their freebies and it screwed up my whole system and had to start over from scratch.
    "It's a great day to be alive" "Of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, It might have been......"
  • Actually MLT products are usually good, except their routes aren't quite as detailed as some others. You probably won't get a response here, so post at MLT's unofficial forum or e-mail through MLT's suppport page Smile [:)]
  • Try an email. Remember though this is just a couple of guys, not Microsoft.  If you don't get a response in a couple of days, or at least your confirmation email (I assume you paid for a download and want it RIGHT NOW). 

    How did you pay?  If you used Paypal then there should be a trail you can check yourself.  If you used something else then just email them.  You should hear back in a couple of days. 

    I have bought most of their stuff and had no problems.  Everything arrived pretty quickly.  I usually order the CD though.  I jump when they also have bundled a route with an expansion.  I don't have access to high speed downloads, so it is the only way I can get the locomotive packs. 

    Dewey "Facts are meaningless; you can use facts to prove anything that is even remotely true! Facts, schmacks!" - Homer Simpson "The problem is there are so many stupid people and nothing eats them."
  • I have all there products as well and the 2 that I like are the LS&I and Sandpatch...The CN one is not to bad....But they do a lot of mountain routes....I wish they would do some big time city routes or even a fallen flag of the WC :)
    J Trane