Anyone have a myspace?

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Anyone have a myspace?

  • This is the kids and teens page so this topic seems right. I have a myspace and if anyone here does my name is Kade Conner from Memphis, TN for me i talk trains with about half the friends i have on myspace and they have train related groups and im the moderator of one group called fans of the Burlington Northern and BNSF. So if anyone has a myspace send me a friend request! I would love to see your train pics and just talk trains whether i be real or model trains!
    Long Live The Burlington Northern!
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    Yes, I AM aware of how DUMB my picture looks. But, I can't take a new one because my camera broke. (It fell off of a table and hit the ground lens first...) and my cousin hasn't taken a half decent one of me from July 4th... Oh well, come the fifth, I will have a TON of pics. (I'm going to the Rockstar Mayhem Festival)