Involving my 5 year old daughter!!

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Involving my 5 year old daughter!!

  • I'm 41 and just getting back into trains (not since before puberty).  I used my daughter to justify the purchace of a small LL train set.  I have since bought over $100 of extra track and am putting together a layout.  While I may seem a scoundral, I am keeping my daughter close when playing with my new toys.  She enjoyed helping me make a paper machet mountain with tunnel (what a mess).  She even dis'ed her uncle because he bought a styrofoam tunnel for his boy instead of making a real one!!  Honest I didnt tell her to say that!!Laugh [(-D]  So now we are in a layout competition with my bro-in-law and his 9 year old.

     Anyway...the point is, let the kids help and they will feel more a part of your new hobby.


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  • My 3 year old cousin got a G trainset from Lionel, and i would rather bang my head against a wall than get anything Lionel.
    Except the fact I'm 14 and know a whole lot because I've been in the hobby for quite a while, and am extremly well knowledgeable.
    I also have a classmate who has gotten into HO.
    -Michael It's baaaacccckkkk!!!!!!
  • I have never really been around or involved with model trains, but I really think my six year old son and I can enjoy this hobby together. I really don't know where to start... any suggestions. We did go to a great local train store and they suggested a starter set that is ready from the box. Thoughts?

    Also - I have grand plans of putting a set around his room towards the ceiling. The scale of train recommended is O - I am heading in the right direction with the starter set first?