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Teens getting made fun of...

  • Most of them really didnt care. I have a friend that still remembers names like SD40,SD40-2 and SD45 when I told him back in 6th grade, now over 4 years ago.


    Check out my pics! [url=""]
  •  wctransfer wrote:

    Most of them really didnt care. I have a friend that still remembers names like SD40,SD40-2 and SD45 when I told him back in 6th grade, now over 4 years ago.


    Wow! I'm still trying to get that in my dads head!  I would have to go with WCtransfer, don't advertise it(But you said you don't so......It's kinda useless). Nobody knows that I like trains. Except here.


  • People make fun of me anyway, so it's nothing new (i'm a nerd).  Just don't let it get to you and they will stop.

     Edit: forgot to include that I'm 15 and a sophomore in HS.

  •  tangerine-jack wrote:

    Reading this post it seems that everybody got teased for "playing with the choo-choo trains" at some time or another.  I wonder why this activity was singled out for contempt?  Nobody ever teased me about my gun collection. Funny thing that. 

    Hope this doesn't sound wrong or anything,but I got a laugh from that.


    When I was in middle school,I'd keep to myself and occasionally bring an issue of MR to read when I wasn't doing anything. One day this girl came up to me and asked me why I was into trains. I just told her it was something I liked.She didn't agree,and thought it was stupid. At the time she was into the boy band crap(this was late '90s)..let's see,nearly 10 years later,I'm still with the hobby,and she's probably thrown away all the boy band crap she had then,and replaced it with something else.


    Just don't let anyone give you problems about your hobby,it's your business,after all,not theirs.

    I've been talking to a friend of mine recently that I went to HS with(she's still there)..I actually brought up photographing trains and thinking about working for a railroad,and she thought trains were cool. I was shocked! I think I like her as a friend even more now. Big Smile [:D]

  • I shut them up. I say somthing along the lines of how trains are big long and powerful and say I can relate to that just how they can relate to SMALL cars.
    Save the F40PH!
  • when people say stuff, I ask what they do as a hobby, they usally never have an answer
    K-Line The Difference is in the Details
  • Nice reply!
    Alex Czajkowski
  •  Pfft...Those kids don't know what they're missing.
  • I've been teased about as long as I can remember... for wearing glasses, being a brain, reading too much, having braces, loving model trains, playing Dungeons & Dragons, going to Renaissance Faires, and probably 50 or so other things I've forgotten about.

    Now, I'm middle-aged, still wear glasses (even thicker than before), I'm still a brain, still love a good book, my teeth got crooked again as soon as the braces were off, and I still love model trains, playing D&D, and going to Ren Faires.  I'm also happily married, have 3 terrific kids, and a job that I love.  But you know what?  I'm happy, I enjoy life, and I'm not stressed out all the time.  My only real problem is that I need about 60 hours in a day to really do all the things I want to do.  What changed?  Nothing.  I knew who I was, and what I enjoyed, and I stayed true to myself, no matter what anyone else said or thought.

    People who make fun of you feel inferior for some reason, so they put you down to make themselves feel better, or to seem like part of the group (because, deep down, they're afraid that they really DON'T belong and someone will find out).  It's not really about you, it's about them.  Most of them will grow out of it, eventually.  So -- as others have said -- don't let anyone make you afraid of your interests.  Be who you are -- although you don't have to wear your interests like a red badge of courage to be yourself -- and stick to your guns.  You WILL triumph over adversity.

     Remember the words of Eleanor Roosevelt:  "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

    Connecticut Valley Railroad A Branch of the New York, New Haven, and Hartford

    "If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right." -- Henry Ford

  •  CTValleyRR wrote:

    I've been teased about as long as I can remember... for wearing glasses, being a brain, reading too much, having braces, loving model trains, playing Dungeons & Dragons, going to Renaissance Faires, and probably 50 or so other things I've forgotten about.

    Now, I'm middle-aged, still wear glasses (even thicker than before), I'm still a brain, still love a good book, my teeth got crooked again as soon as the braces were off, and I still love model trains, playing D&D, and going to Ren Faires.  I'm also happily married, have 3 terrific kids, and a job that I love.  But you know what?  I'm happy, I enjoy life, and I'm not stressed out all the time.  My only real problem is that I need about 60 hours in a day to really do all the things I want to do.  What changed?  Nothing.  I knew who I was, and what I enjoyed, and I stayed true to myself, no matter what anyone else said or thought.

    People who make fun of you feel inferior for some reason, so they put you down to make themselves feel better, or to seem like part of the group (because, deep down, they're afraid that they really DON'T belong and someone will find out).  It's not really about you, it's about them.  Most of them will grow out of it, eventually.  So -- as others have said -- don't let anyone make you afraid of your interests.  Be who you are -- although you don't have to wear your interests like a red badge of courage to be yourself -- and stick to your guns.  You WILL triumph over adversity.

     Remember the words of Eleanor Roosevelt:  "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

    I can really connect with that line. Around here when all the kids went to middel school they all changed. Some even changed names! But I was the one who didn't. I knew who I was too, I didn't need to be cooler, or have more friends. I just wanted to enjoy my time. So be who you are, and some day you'll find a good friend.

  •  WCfan wrote:
     CTValleyRR wrote:

    I've been teased about as long as I can remember... for wearing glasses, being a brain, reading too much, having braces, loving model trains, playing Dungeons & Dragons, going to Renaissance Faires, and probably 50 or so other things I've forgotten about.

    Now, I'm middle-aged, still wear glasses (even thicker than before), I'm still a brain, still love a good book, my teeth got crooked again as soon as the braces were off, and I still love model trains, playing D&D, and going to Ren Faires.  I'm also happily married, have 3 terrific kids, and a job that I love.  But you know what?  I'm happy, I enjoy life, and I'm not stressed out all the time.  My only real problem is that I need about 60 hours in a day to really do all the things I want to do.  What changed?  Nothing.  I knew who I was, and what I enjoyed, and I stayed true to myself, no matter what anyone else said or thought.

    People who make fun of you feel inferior for some reason, so they put you down to make themselves feel better, or to seem like part of the group (because, deep down, they're afraid that they really DON'T belong and someone will find out).  It's not really about you, it's about them.  Most of them will grow out of it, eventually.  So -- as others have said -- don't let anyone make you afraid of your interests.  Be who you are -- although you don't have to wear your interests like a red badge of courage to be yourself -- and stick to your guns.  You WILL triumph over adversity.

     Remember the words of Eleanor Roosevelt:  "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

    I can really connect with that line. Around here when all the kids went to middel school they all changed. Some even changed names! But I was the one who didn't. I knew who I was too, I didn't need to be cooler, or have more friends. I just wanted to enjoy my time. So be who you are, and some day you'll find a good friend.

    Ha! Already found my good modeling buddy *cough*WCfan*cough*

    Alex Czajkowski
  • none of my friends know i like trains except my friends witch have been to my house. Ps i have a 4 by 6.6 foot ho layout useing bachmann ez track. no scenery yet.
    __________ !_o_ !_ o _! !____!____! o OO = OO o
  •  MilwaukeeRoad wrote:
    I am 13 (8th grade) and I guess I am extremely weird for modeling. I quit model railroading because I got made fun of it. I am planning a new model railroad right now but hesistating because I may get harrassed again.

     I think they are jelous because you have model trains and they don't, it's very good that you have a hobby of your own. But stopping it because of some people who make fun of it? Nah, just ignore those people. They aint worth your attention at all, you go start on your hobby again MilwaukeeRoad. I'm building things as trains in LEGOs and people make fun of it, but I don't care. it's my hobby and I love to do it, so I don't care what other people say :)

  • mech i build LEGO trains too! do you actually model them or just make your own i modeled the SP Daylight f3s plus a bunch of other cars
    __________ !_o_ !_ o _! !____!____! o OO = OO o
  • I use to have a ton of the Lego trains, I use to make some great stuff.  But ever since I've gotton into O-guage i've just been focusing on it.
    K-Line The Difference is in the Details