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Special section in Trains

  • My grand kids are train crazy (get from a grandpa that still plays with trains).  They are big readers, but there is nothing for kids (7-12) to read.

    Couldn't Trains have a special section once a quarter for kids.  Our state conservation magazine (the Misssouri Conservationist) does this and it has proved very popular. 

    Not only would this get kids started in Model Railroading but could send operation Life Saver and don't play on tracks information.

    Norm Lampton
    Chief Engineer
    North Missouri Railroad.
    Norman Lampton Chief Engineer North Missouri Railroad & Engineer Den'itah' Railroad.
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  • That would be a pretty darned good idea.

    Lionel collector, stuck in an N scaler's modelling space.

  • Yeah, that would be a good idea.  Maybe you should write a letter to Kalmbach about it.


    Builder of Bowser steam! Railimages Site

  • You need to either do that or PM on of the people on Trains magazine, or PM them.

    Lionel collector, stuck in an N scaler's modelling space.