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A bit of help with scaling issues

  • Where do i start?

    Well i am currently starting to build a steel training aid for my job, just going thru the basics right now

    the training aid is a 53 foot chassis, i have TONS of them at my disposal to get  straight line measurements, I'm having a very hard time wrapping my head around the tire portion of this, My plan is to use hockey pucks for the tires, this would make the training aid alot bigger than my two little chassis i bought from a hobby shop

    Anyway, Ive screwed around with scaling calculators, and alot of it just doesn't seem right, can someone help me with these maths? my high school level of math is failing me and you guys seem like a good resource Laugh

    So here's the issue, the model off tire is based off the 3 inches across a hockey puck is

    And a 11x22.5 trailer tire is give or take 37 inches across  we are not worrying about the thickness of the puck So what does this put my model scale at? 

    All the other measurements will come pretty easy, straight lines and such, maybe im just not blowing all the dust off my brain and it just a really dumb equation that im missing

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  • Your scale is 3" hockey puck to 37" tire.  Divide both number by 3 gives 1:12 1/3 scale or about 1:12.

    List of scale model sizes - Wikipedia

    This scale is used for serious doll house modelers, action figures and the smaller end of live-steam model trains.  The G gauge track works as 2-foot narrow gauge at the scale of 1:13.7.

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