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No space in my house, I have created a way for my kids and I to play with trains

  • So have you heard of Minecraft. Probably one of the most popular games around for kids of all ages and adults. 

    I figured I wasnt the only geek train lover out there so I am reaching out to your community to tell you about it and let you in on the fun..

    Part of Minecraft uses a rail system. I have put together a group of mods that brings real trains into the game. And the best part is that I can now play with my kids build huge trainsets that stretch hundreds of virtual miles, bringing goods to villages through a complex system of trains and railcars.

    My modpack has more than 10 custom trains and over 30 rail cars that can be used for different purposes.  

    A good article about my modpack is at Not too many people are interested in this kind of thing, but I am excited to think that maybe some other rail fans would be. 

    Anyway let me know what you think or if you have questions. 

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  • Sounds interesting, I am 14 and a Model Railroader and Minecraft Player myself, will try it out when I can.