Baldwin test picture

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Baldwin test picture

  • test picture
    " border="0" />
    Yes we call it the Dinky. Why? Well cause it's dinky! Proud to be the official train geek of Princeton University!
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  • second try
    Yes we call it the Dinky. Why? Well cause it's dinky! Proud to be the official train geek of Princeton University!
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by emmar


    second try

    third try
    Yes we call it the Dinky. Why? Well cause it's dinky! Proud to be the official train geek of Princeton University!
  • fourth try with url address

    Yes we call it the Dinky. Why? Well cause it's dinky! Proud to be the official train geek of Princeton University!
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by emmar

    fourth try with url address


    qoute with this{} type brackets
    Yes we call it the Dinky. Why? Well cause it's dinky! Proud to be the official train geek of Princeton University!
  • Not all photo host will let you share them on the forum. Yahoo Photo's is one of them.

    Try another photo host.


    I am a person with a very active inner child. This is why my wife loves me so. Willoughby, Ohio - the home of the CP & E RR. OTTS Founder 

  • Thank you Tom. I was begining to get a bit annoyed that I couldn't get the picture to post.
    Yes we call it the Dinky. Why? Well cause it's dinky! Proud to be the official train geek of Princeton University!