July 6 2017 Photo Test

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July 6 2017 Photo Test

  • Just trying the Photo Testing site:


    Modeling HO with a transition era UP bent

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  • The first was imgur, this one is flickr:

    IMG_4571 by Paul Ahrens, on Flickr


    Modeling HO with a transition era UP bent

  • Posting the forst photo again, except from flcikr.  The imgur version shows incorrect cross-hatching and I want to see if flickr avoids that.

    IMG_4492 by Paul Ahrens, on Flickr


    Modeling HO with a transition era UP bent

  • Above has some cross-hatch effect also.  Trying here the flickr option again, but this time choosing the Large 2048x1536 (vs.Large 1024x768 option used above).

    IMG_4492 by Paul Ahrens, on Flickr


    Modeling HO with a transition era UP bent

  • OK, now try flickr Medium 640x480

    IMG_4492 by Paul Ahrens, on Flickr


    Modeling HO with a transition era UP bent

  • Well, copying the BBCode the Medium works better!  Nil ill effects created.


    Modeling HO with a transition era UP bent