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  • Do we in the USA have Passenger Trains?

    Well, the answer is yes and no.

    We have Amtrak accross the country, but it is not nessesary connected Long Distance Trains. the Attitude problem is that the big shots think that no one rides the Long Distance Trains. well, whom are thses no body?  those that say that no one rides.

    The best soloution is to reschuedale to make connections.

    Such as Minneapolis to Chicago, to the East Cost is perfect.

    To the West Cost, one must stay over night.

    Amtrak could however have connection to a Motel over night at the Passenger Expensive, but at a discounted rate. however, this rate will only be offer to those that ride in the sleeper car. Those places offer are Strictly Confidential.

    We could of had better Rapid Transportation after the War.

    The Oil Companie and Cheyy put the Rapid Transit out of business.

    Now finally Los Angeles Union Station have come back to life.

    Amtrak and Metro along with the subway line have liven up the placed.

    It amaze me how the Railways got alone in those days., Santa Fe, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific, now Amtrak and Metro is the only Passenger Trains.

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  • Here we go again!   Bobby Kennedey (among others) tried to "prove" there was a vast conspiracy to sabatoge rapid transit and struck out.   A favorite tactic of the paranoics is to superimpose a map of the PE sysrem on a map of the current LA Metro system, coveniently forgeting that all of those lines involved street running and were anything but "rapid".  
  • Welcome to our forum, Twin Cities To San Diego Railfan.

    May I suggest reading "Twilight Of The Great Trains," by Fred Frailey, "Journey To Amtrak," "To Hell In a Day Coach," and "The Wreck Of The Penn Central," in order to add to your knowledge. These books can be found at the local library.
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    "It's a great day to be alive" "Of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, It might have been......"