A totally dumb question about steam....

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A totally dumb question about steam....

  • Why do stean locos "Puff" from the smoke stack when they operate?

    I don't know why in the world the fire smoke puffs every time a piston reaches the end of its stroke. Does the steam vent into the fire box somehow?

    Call me stupid, I can't figure this one out.


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  • The spent steam from the piston exhausts into the smokebox to help with the draft.  It also explains why simple steam locomotives have a sharper exhaust than compounds.
    The daily commute is part of everyday life but I get two rides a day out of it. Paul
  • If you would like to do some reading about it, try this-


  • Dale

     Thanks for the link to the North Yorshire Moors Railway  --  one which inexplicably is not on the

    http://www.tadlane.com/rrlinks.htm#toc   TrainNet listing.

    British Mike in Philly
  • Michael,

    You're welcome, and thanks for posting that link.

  •  michaelstevens wrote:


     Thanks for the link to the North Yorshire Moors Railway  --  one which inexplicably is not on the

    http://www.tadlane.com/rrlinks.htm#toc   TrainNet listing.

    British Mike:

      You can remedy that deficiency by going to the TrainNet website and giving them the URL.



    Five out of four people have trouble with fractions. -Anonymous
    Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead. -Benjamin Franklin
    "You don't have to be Jeeves to love butlers, but it helps." (Followers of Levi's Real Jewish Rye will get this one) -Ed K
     "A potted watch never boils." -Ed Kowal
    If it's not fun, why do it ? -Ben & Jerry

  • D.Beachel:

     There's almost no such thing as a totally dumb question about anything.

      If you don't know the answer, it's a valid question.


    Five out of four people have trouble with fractions. -Anonymous
    Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead. -Benjamin Franklin
    "You don't have to be Jeeves to love butlers, but it helps." (Followers of Levi's Real Jewish Rye will get this one) -Ed K
     "A potted watch never boils." -Ed Kowal
    If it's not fun, why do it ? -Ben & Jerry

  • Ed,

    Perhaps you could try it  --  all I get is some recruitment rigamarole for their Email carrier.


    British Mike in Philly
  • British Mike:

     Okay, I'll try and see what happens.

     ( I used to be a member of the TrainNet staff, ages ago.... )


    Five out of four people have trouble with fractions. -Anonymous
    Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead. -Benjamin Franklin
    "You don't have to be Jeeves to love butlers, but it helps." (Followers of Levi's Real Jewish Rye will get this one) -Ed K
     "A potted watch never boils." -Ed Kowal
    If it's not fun, why do it ? -Ben & Jerry

  • Thanks for the answer and the link...That explains it...
  •  The only dumb questions on this forum is when they ask a question ... then state they already made up their mind before answered ! Seen a few of those here .