unknown train

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unknown train

  • I was looking at photos I had taken recently when I realized that I had taken a photo of a yellow train, that had eyes painted on the top of the engine at the nose. I have no ideal what company this is can anyone help me?
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  • Sign - Welcome [#welcome]to the forum. Now tell us about yourself? Where are you from? Do you model trains? If so what road and scale do you model?

    Now to your question. You might post that photo then we could probibly assist you.

    Welcome on board.


  • Eyes painted on it????? I have no idea.
    "It's a great day to be alive" "Of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, It might have been......"
  • looks like someone sees locomotives like me. although i always pictured the windows as eyes. and if it has noselights, i see those as the mouth. and that's also why i prefer high mounts to noselights. i have having OCD....

    but yeah, welcome. and please post a pic if you have one. i have to see this

    Your friendly neighborhood CNW fan.

  • I vaguely remember seeing something similar when I was a kid (early 80's). I lived within eyeball distance of a Chessie/Southern mainline south of Washington DC.  It had to have been Chessie, Southern, or Conrail. 
  • The first thing that comes to mind when you say "Yellow" train is some sort of dedicated MOW or maybe a "Sperry" contrators train. They may provide rail grinding or related maintenace fuctions. They are painted Safety yellow or orange as they move slowly when working and are often fowling a main line.As for the eyes simple decals or stickers similar to what are available at many truckstops to personalise your equipment may be the answer. Either with or without the home offices permission. Maybe the crew wanted to personalize there equipment, causeing both kids and adults to smile aka "Thomas" or just turn their heads when showers of sparks were not flying from the grinders. Can you give use more details about the make-up of the train or was it just a yellow engine with eyes on a normal freight ?
  • Mainline or an industrial setting?  Big or small engine?  The only railroads I can think of that have/had yellow engines are UP and CSN but even then they weren't completely  yellow.