What IS that Amtrak smell?

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What IS that Amtrak smell?

  • When I ride Amtrak or Amtrak California, I sometimes get a whiff of something a bit foul, sickly sweet coming from passenger cars. What is this? Is this from leaking sewage containment systems?

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  • What you are smelling is their disinfectant cleaner, which was used improperly. The car cleaners don't always "mix" the disinfectant and water in the correct proportions and if it has too much disinfectant, and /or not enough water, you get the smell. I have worked with thatCensored [censored]Confused [%-)] stuff and undiluted it is nasty. It is also expensive, so why doesn't Amtrak get some automatic mixing units to-Question [?]Confused [%-)]Banged Head [banghead]Sign - Oops [#oops]. Oh, my bad, Amtrak can't afford those things right now...Clown [:o)]Banged Head [banghead]Whistling [:-^]Sigh [sigh]
  • As an Amtrak train is stopped at the Fullerton station sometimes someone will flush one (or more) of the commodes.This is accompanied by a whirring sound,followed immediately by a foul odor.This is the ultimate Amtrak smell!Shock [:O]Dead [xx(]

    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  •  PBenham wrote:
    Oh, my bad, Amtrak can't afford those things right now

    You are correct! Amtrak can't afford to buy those types of things AND repaint their locomotives into a new paint scheme every two or three years.

    "It's a great day to be alive" "Of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, It might have been......"
  •  espeefoamer wrote:

    As an Amtrak train is stopped at the Fullerton station sometimes someone will flush one (or more) of the commodes.This is accompanied by a whirring sound,followed immediately by a foul odor.This is the ultimate Amtrak smell!Shock [:O]Dead [xx(]

  • Are we talking car cleaner disinfectant for things like the restrooms or stuff they use on the outside of the cars?
  •  BNSF4ever wrote:
    Are we talking car cleaner disinfectant for things like the restrooms or stuff they use on the outside of the cars?
    I was talking about the disinfectant used in the interior of the cars. They haven't washed the outside of the amcars used up here in a long time with anything stronger than soap.I suspect that they just get a power rinse. 
  • The Amtrak smell is Union Pacific and the pathetic way they run Amtrak trains 3,4,5 or more hours late. Earlier this month train number 6 the eastbound California Zephyr (UP, From Emeryville to Denver; BNSF, Denver to Chicago) arrives in Chicago 16 HOURS LATE!!!

  •  Nightfreight wrote:

    The Amtrak smell is Union Pacific and the pathetic way they run Amtrak trains 3,4,5 or more hours late. Earlier this month train number 6 the eastbound California Zephyr (UP, From Emeryville to Denver; BNSF, Denver to Chicago) arrives in Chicago 16 HOURS LATE!!!

    HolyCensored [censored] CSX has a way to go before it achieves full karma!Black Eye [B)]Clown [:o)]Confused [%-)]Ashamed [*^_^*]