Summer Train Travels

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Summer Train Travels

  • Visited the Tennessee Railway museum in Chattanooga and took my grandson for his first steam engine ride, also visited Squamis, BC, and saw the railway museum there, really great, including CP F unit, right near BC rail, also CP steam engine and miniature ride on disel ride around the grounds. Also took the VIA Malhat Dayline, two RDCs from Victoria, BC, to Nanaimo over the tracks of the E&N, Great summer. Does anyone have anything at all on the E&N?
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  • Visited the Tennessee Railway museum in Chattanooga and took my grandson for his first steam engine ride, also visited Squamis, BC, and saw the railway museum there, really great, including CP F unit, right near BC rail, also CP steam engine and miniature ride on disel ride around the grounds. Also took the VIA Malhat Dayline, two RDCs from Victoria, BC, to Nanaimo over the tracks of the E&N, Great summer. Does anyone have anything at all on the E&N?