Battery Powered Milwaukee Road Locomotive

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Battery Powered Milwaukee Road Locomotive

  • I'm looking for information on a one-of a kind battery-powered locomotive the Milwaukee Road supposedly ran in Montana, near Glacier Park.

    No lie: this thing was a single truck affair and ran from power it got through an extension cord! (You see the possibilities for scratchbuilding a one-of-a-kind locomotive, and why I want this information.)

    The only other things I know about it are that it had a firecracker antenna and was painted Armour Yellow.
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  • I'm looking for information on a one-of a kind battery-powered locomotive the Milwaukee Road supposedly ran in Montana, near Glacier Park.

    No lie: this thing was a single truck affair and ran from power it got through an extension cord! (You see the possibilities for scratchbuilding a one-of-a-kind locomotive, and why I want this information.)

    The only other things I know about it are that it had a firecracker antenna and was painted Armour Yellow.
  • Hey,you have posed a realy tough question here! I have searched every way i can think of on the net and can't find anything about this loco.I would venture to guess maybe it was an old mining locomotive.If it was Armour Yellow perhaps it was from a mine the UP owned.
  • Hey,you have posed a realy tough question here! I have searched every way i can think of on the net and can't find anything about this loco.I would venture to guess maybe it was an old mining locomotive.If it was Armour Yellow perhaps it was from a mine the UP owned.
  • Have you tryed the Milwaukee Road Historical sociaty? If there is a group that may know I would hope it would be them. I have never heard of the sort. However the color was used in the Hiawatha Disel train sets late 50s (If I remember correctly). Good question, there is always an 1 of an kind out there somewhere!
  • Have you tryed the Milwaukee Road Historical sociaty? If there is a group that may know I would hope it would be them. I have never heard of the sort. However the color was used in the Hiawatha Disel train sets late 50s (If I remember correctly). Good question, there is always an 1 of an kind out there somewhere!