nymph and phantom -- wiliam mason

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nymph and phantom -- wiliam mason

  • greeting train buff and experts:

    yesterday i purchased two 1/2 plate ambrotypes of two locomotives:
    the nymph
    the phantom

    made in Taunton Mass by William Mason

    The images are pretty amazing, each has several people perched on or in front of the locomotives
    one has a pic of Mason himself, i believe

    I am looking for any historical information about these two engines,
    where they were used,
    any historical connections perhaps to Lincoln? or Civil War?

    Many thanks for any info you can provide

    I will be glad to send jpeg to anyone who provides some leads

    many thanks,
    please join with me to pray and WORK for peace on Earth
    God bless

    Jack Cassin
    weaving Art Museum
    a nonprofit art oganization
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  • The expert on Mason is Art Wallace who wrote the book, MASON STEAM LOCOMOTIVES. I would love to see the images.
  • Hi:
    Please email me directly at:
    luckyguy2k at yahoo dot com
    and i will be delighted to
    send them along to you
