BNSF Chilli sub signal bridges

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BNSF Chilli sub signal bridges

  • are they all being replaced? i have heard edilstein was being replaced this past week.
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  • Considering how elaborate the old ATSF pre-merger signals could be, I'm not surprised.

    Pardon my ignorance, but who is Edelstein?

  • Edilstein Illinois is west of Chillicothe,former crew change point and yard. Edilstein is at the top of edilstein hill and all wb's must climb out of the illinois river valley to arrive there. there is a set of crossovers so when helpers were needed,many many years ago, to climb the hill they would be cut off and sent back to chilli.
  • There is no Edilstein, Illinois. It has always been Edelstein. Grade is about 5 miles long on Edelstein hill and at 52.8 feet to the mile. That is all.
    COTTON BELT: Runs like a Blue Streak!
  • SSW9389,no edelstien illinois eh? no post office,no HUB ballroom? ok yea no school, no fuel or grocery. u were born in Peoria. i owned a house in edelstein in the late 80's before the "catholic divorce" my now X tried to commit on me. i have heard concrete ties were going in on the hill. i totally agree about the grade distance and feet per mile though.
  • Daen yu kant spel wurth baens! That was what I was pointing out. I was in Edelstein last June for a look see. Look at how I have spelled your towns name. And then look at how you have misspelled it every time you write it. If someone would want to look up your town by name they would have to have the correct spelling. You have not provided this to anyone, I have. For the record there is no Edelstien or Edilstein, Illinois. It is spelled EDELSTEIN.[:D]

    QUOTE: Originally posted by deanp

    SSW9389,no edelstien illinois eh? no post office,no HUB ballroom? ok yea no school, no fuel or grocery. u were born in Peoria. i owned a house in edelstein in the late 80's before the "catholic divorce" my now X tried to commit on me. i have heard concrete ties were going in on the hill. i totally agree about the grade distance and feet per mile though.
    COTTON BELT: Runs like a Blue Streak!
  • Gramer knatzi.[swg]