Help Identifying caboose

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Help Identifying caboose

  • Ok so had a great time today
    Yoshi came over and we sorta went railfanning
    We walked a mile to get to this
    ITs an old caboose
    Now The poeple want to get rid of it and (i hope this is nt advertising saying that i guess one of u could buy it)

    More Importantly can u help me identify the Railrod and class of this caboose
    A google search under wood caboose turned up nothing
    For those who want to know its off ridge road in winchester behind a housig develpment

    We also cough a siding a tell tale and a stop look and listen post
    Interesting becuz this crummy is 1mile from tehe nearest Railline

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  • Is this a test? Are we supposed to guess the state that Winchester is in? A little more information would help in identifying it. If this a test it looks a lot like a Virginian caboose to me.
  • Oh Its iN MA
    I need to figur eout wat railroad
  • Did it look like this one ??? [?] With the snow, tree, overcast sky and my old eyes its hard to tell but looks very simular. I hope this helps. As always ENJOY. [yeah]
  • I'm no epxert on anything other than PRR and then I am wrong a lot but I would start with Boston and Maine as a high probablity and go to New Haven for a second choice since they were the predominant railroads in that area. That would have to be confirmed through pictures in books or their respective historical societies for confirmation.
  • I vote Nickle Plate I dunno
  • is it narow gauge???
    LETS GO TIGERS! (clap, clap, clap clap clap )
  • o scale i liike the saying.

    I say PRR or Virginan.
    I like NS but CSX has the B&O.
  • If you can buy a caboose, you can move it anywhere permitted.
    I have a light green auto, what road did the previous owner drive it on?
    Location only causes wild guesses.
    FDM TRAIN up a child in the way he should go...Proverbs22:6 Garrett, home of The Garrett Railroaders, and other crazy people. The 5 basic food groups are: candy, poptarts, chocolate, pie, and filled donuts !