Oakland SP Station- Photography

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Oakland SP Station- Photography

  • I got into the Oakland SP Station this week and did some night photography.
    It's unlike anything you've seen before.
    I've posted some online here:


    Have a look, you guys'll love it.

    Perhaps some of the people who work for all the magazines under the trains.com banner look at these message boards? Maybe there could be a feature showcasing these images

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  • Awesome pictures[:)]. Did you "liberate" that Fruitvale station diagram or leave it for the rats and cockroaches?
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by espeefoamer

    Awesome pictures[:)]. Did you "liberate" that Fruitvale station diagram or leave it for the rats and cockroaches?

    Oh, I left it. Being a ghost town geek, I generally, don't take stuff. Leave it for the next weirdo that crawls thru the place. It was a real mess anyway.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by LostAmerica

    I got into the Oakland SP Station this week and did some night photography.
    It's unlike anything you've seen before.
    I've posted some online here:


    Have a look, you guys'll love it.

    Perhaps some of the people who work for all the magazines under the trains.com banner look at these message boards? Maybe there could be a feature showcasing these images

    WOW realy great photos sorta puts a lump in my throat though; my favorite is the close up of the southern pacific blueprint[:0][:(]glennbob