HID Headlights on Locomotives

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HID Headlights on Locomotives

  • With more and more automobiles these days switching over to high-intensity-discharge headlights (or xenon headlights, depending on which camp you're in), do you think that using these type of headlights on a locomotive would be feasible?

    Has there been any word on whether GE or EMD has been considering this lighting technology or not?


    Roanoke, TX
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  • I think it would be a good upgrade for the main lights, as HID lights generally last much longer than Halogen bulbs, and take about half the power. This would result in a very slight reduction in fuel consumption and potential for higher brightness.

    The ditch lights, I recommend to stick with Halogen because those lights pulse on and off if the engineer decides to and HID lights are not good with short on/off cycles. LED could be an option for ditch lights, they are getting bright enough now.

    EDIT: For the main lights, if it were to be converted to HID, I don't know if the existing fixtures are reflector or projector style, they may have to replace the fixture to properly guide the light.


  • danwat1234 - Welcome to trains.com! Cowboy

  • Thank you