BNSF.....Experienced First Line Supervisor ?????

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BNSF.....Experienced First Line Supervisor ?????

  • I have just retired from the Air Force and am still looking for employment. I responded to an add from BNSF....I received an email back saying that they wanted to do a phone interview for the position of Experienced First Line Supervisor.....

    What exactly is this...?

    I would like to have a little info before I have my interview

    Also...any suggestions from anyone out there would be helpful in regards to a 2nd career with BNSF.....


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  • They are looking for a shop floor type foreman. Either for running repair or service track. Someone with mechanical apptitude and experience supervising journymen workers, willing to work off hours with mid week rest days, and no holidays off for the first couple years. Sounds horrible but worth it if you like to work for food.
  • Not exactly shop floor. In Galesburg it can be shop and or trainmaster. The first line supervisor is just that the first line above union workers. So TM and shop foreman fit the bill. Heck go for it the AF training will help

    Yes we are on time but this is yesterdays train

  • Kowabunga dude! I know people from union households with experience in manufacturing who couldn't get this kind of interview because they hadn't been to train school yet!

    You should definitely interview, and feel free to tell us of your experiences good and bad.
