North Philadelphia

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North Philadelphia

  • As a kid in the '50's I would take the train from Lancaster to North Philadelphia
    where I was treated to a virtual feast of activity. I saw my first K-4's there, I assume bound for Atlantic City. And the great fleet westward of all the Pennsy's name trains would becoming through. In addition if I remember correctly, the Reading Road had a station nearby. It was a short walk to Connie Mack Stadium where I could watch the Philies "Whiz Kids" do their thing.
    But greatest of all was the excitment of all the activity coming and going.

    Now I understand that the North Philadelphia station is in ruins, and all trains are diverted to 30th Street.
    My question is when did the PRR divert all traffic from North Philadelphia and why?
    Thank You,
    Bill Jones
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  • The PRR didn't Amtrak did. the station is still there as are the platforms but the platform roofs are rotting and grass is growing in the cracks in the concrete. the station itself is now a Dollar Store. The tower still stands but I believe Zoo is the only one in use. Amtrak wouldn't or couldn't maintain two major stations. The Broadway now goes into 30th st and is pulled backwards to New York by an AEM7. The entire area around North Philly is now a ghetto and some people have been accosted trying to take pictures and obtain research in the area. Not a good idea to go there alone today.