Check out this Soo Line "bandit" MP15!!!!

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Check out this Soo Line "bandit" MP15!!!!

  • Check out this Soo Line "bandit" MP15!!!!

    I bagged this unit (plus that Soo Line SD60 in the background, among other locos I caught) at Humbolt Yard in Minneapolis last February.
    Talk about a blast from the past! Hey CP, repaint that unit in full Milwaukee livery, since she's halfway there already! [:D]

    Richard Krebes
    Livin' by the Big New Santa Fe in Long Lake, Minnesota
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  • Also, that's a very "railroady" picture. It's a welcome departure from art photos & roster photos.
  • Very Nice, Like the MILW still there
  • I concur! Ironic that the Milwaukee paint outlasted the bandit scheme. All it would take is a couple red heralds and some black letters...
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by railman

    I concur! Ironic that the Milwaukee paint outlasted the bandit scheme. All it would take is a couple red heralds and some black letters...

    Perhaps some rail-fan graffiti? Just sneak out there with some stencils and paint....