Conductor Job

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Conductor Job

  • Hi folks, wanted to ask someone if they thought a 53 year male in very good condition has any chance of getting a RR freight conductor job at a class 1 RR ? Thanks

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  • The best place to ask this is in the Trains magazine general forum, about halfway down the page.

    Good luck, and good hunting.

    Chuck ("Way to old and dilapidated to be job hunting)

  • hillyhock

    Hi folks, wanted to ask someone if they thought a 53 year male in very good condition has any chance of getting a RR freight conductor job at a class 1 RR ? Thanks

    I know of a guy who hired out (UP) who was 62 or 63 at the time.  Way different from years ago when most had a hiring age limit of 35 without prior railroad experience, 45 with experience.

    The hardest thing right now is finding a class 1 that's hiring.  Most aren't exactly flush with traffic.  I've read, on another site, that NS has been doing some hiring, but the NS guys on that site don't know why.  CP's DM&E subsidiary had some openings.  

     Good Luck.


  • Thanks Jeff, still trying to find my dream job as a conductor  then engineer.


    The Railroad Retirement Board maintains a list of job openings around the country.  It may not have all jobs available, only those that have been reported to them.  Just keep an eye on the RRB site and websites for railroads near you.  Some of the short line/regionals would also be a good place to watch.  Some pay almost as good as the class ones but may not require being away from home as much.

    Good luck.
