For anyone with good knowledge of the CP Rail around the Midwest please help.....

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For anyone with good knowledge of the CP Rail around the Midwest please help.....

  • So its been a few years since I've seen this train and was just curious if it still runs or not. The BNSF and CP Rail used to operate a coal train from the Powder River Basin to the Columbia Power Plant in Portage, WI. It would usually operate on the BNSF as CCDMSPC and interchange with the CP Rail at Daytons Bluff Yard in St Paul to become CP 882 and ran through to Portage with BNSF power. Does this train still operate or not cause I never see it anymore on the CP? Does that specific power plant still use coal? Same question for the CP 884 which was a coke train that was interchanged with CP Rail in St Paul from the UP and ran through with UP power. Thanks for any insight or information about this.
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  • Please, if you haven't already done so, paste this in the tainsmag sister forum.  It's listed in the index of sub forums here.  You'll get a lot more traffic, and much quicker.

  • Portage still gets coal, but now it's a UP-CPRS train.  Usually it goes across the UP to Clinton, IA where it is interchanged to the CPRS.  I just had this train the other night on the UP. I don't know on the CPRS if it goes up the river line or to Chicago to get to Portage.

    Once in a while, usually if there is a blockage on either UP in eastern Iowa or on the CPRS, it will be routed up to the Twin Cities for interchange with the CPRS.
