Old Lionel set. Keep the boxes or store in plastic?

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Old Lionel set. Keep the boxes or store in plastic?

  • Hi, I am new to this place. I have been given the family's train set. This thing is usually pulled out only on Christmas, thus the individual boxes are very worn out. Each box has various layers of tape and it appears every time the old tape has dried out, the new tape has been put on.............well the boxes need taping again.

    The Traditionalist/antique guy in me wants to keep them in those boxes. But as these boxes disintegrate, I am left wondering how to store this train set.

    So how do I store these things? This isn't an HO type set, it is the LARGE Lionel type (027?) Fore example, the engine is Lionel #1666

    If there is a topic along these lines please point me to it, thanks.
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  • HI and welcome to the Trains Forum.

    Here is a thread that can help you


    I am like you and believe in saving the old boxes, no mater how poor of condition they are. I have some from 1949.

    Most of the O gauge folks use the CTT forum, here is the link



    I am a person with a very active inner child. This is why my wife loves me so. Willoughby, Ohio - the home of the CP & E RR. OTTS Founder www.spankybird.shutterfly.com 

  • The 1666, I believe, was only made in the pre-war(that's before WWII) era, so probably have some value. If that's the case, my suggestion would be to collapse the boxes so that they lie flat(if possible without cutting tape or glue), and store them in their own separate dry location. I would then store the trains themselves in a plastic container.

    Whatever you do, hold on to those boxes, although it's probably pretty hard on them to continue to store your trains in them.
    Ben TCA 09-63474
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by ben10ben

    The 1666, I believe, was only made in the pre-war(that's before WWII) era, so probably have some value. If that's the case, my suggestion would be to collapse the boxes so that they lie flat(if possible without cutting tape or glue), and store them in their own separate dry location. I would then store the trains themselves in a plastic container.

    Whatever you do, hold on to those boxes, although it's probably pretty hard on them to continue to store your trains in them.

    I agree, keep the boxes, but don't store the trains in them anymore.
    That way the trains stay safe and the boxes as well.