RE: Do trains understand human error ? Should everybody in the world be concerned about this one topic or is there more to what I am saying to you and it just isn't written in this blog !

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RE: Do trains understand human error ? Should everybody in the world be concerned about this one topic or is there more to what I am saying to you and it just isn't written in this blog !

  • Electric Flashing people warning stop signs that say do not walk down the tracks or you will die !  If Train people could understand what a normal train car is than apply a normal car with the design of an engine car as a normal train car W  except the cars are placed every 5 cars and these engineered brake cars will do their job and all those cars are staffed so that they can easily press a disassemble button to prevent further train cars from getting ruined or making a situation worse than it already is. Its called Logic. heck the break cars could be called logic cars

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  • Thumbs Up


    "All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."

  • Sic semper tyrannis

    Alton Junction

  • To the OP..........

    This is a Forum about model railroading.   While we are all concerned about RR safety, your rant does not belong here.   Perhaps the folks on the Trains section will be more willing to spar with you...........

    ENJOY  !




    Living in southeast Texas, formerly modeling the "postwar" Santa Fe and Illinois Central 

  • Waiter!    Bring me one of what that guy is drinking.


    Dear Idea express:

    Whatever it is that you pop, drop, smoke, snort, or rub in your belly...cut back on it.


    Lackawanna Route of the Phoebe Snow

  • Last I heard, train are inanimate objects so don't 'understand' anything...??

  • To the OP:  I think you have a larger problem concerning people understanding what you are writing.  Please re-think your comment and put it in a more understandable format.  Put some periods and commas into the sentences to remove the ambiguity. And check your spelling.  You might have something worthwhile to say, but I cannot understand what it might be.

    Semper Vaporo


  • wjstix

    Last I heard, train are inanimate objects so don't 'understand' anything...??

    As Sheldon (Atlantic Central) says, "Trains with no brains."

    Referring to the OP, I quote Mr Spock.  "Most illogical."

    This is like saying that, since one person was killed while jaywalking, we will line both sides of every street in every city and town with cyclone fence (with concertina wire on top) so that nobody will ever jaywalk again.

    Let's see.  The OP wants fully 1/5 of EVERY train to be non-revenue cars, staffed (?), in order to prevent an accident that already happened.  A quick cost-benefit analysis comes up with enough red ink to fill Lake Ontario.  Granted that this runaway was particularly catastrophic, but I don't think the proposed solution even addresses the problem of an un-staffed, unattended train that was insufficiently anchored and may have been tampered with by person or persons unknown.

    Back to the drawing board...


  •    Have fun with your trains