Rail passenger service between Coudersport, PA and Buffalo, NY

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Rail passenger service between Coudersport, PA and Buffalo, NY

  • Hi! I'm new to the forum and need your help. I'm writing a book that takes place, in part, during 1940. I need to get my groom (from Buffalo) and his family down to Coudersport by train. I've learned a little about the Coudersport and Port Allegheny railroad but am not sure what they stops would have been once they connected to a more main line road to Buffalo. If anybody has an old timetable for that kind of trip, I'd sure appreciate hearing what the stops and timing might have been at that time in history. Thanks very much!

    I grew up across from the Penn Central tracks in Medina, NY and have a lot of happy memories of climbing all over those cars, especially the cabooses, during the 1950s and early 60s.

    Chris Scharping

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  • Chris it may be worth a trip down to the Medina Toy Train Museum and ask Marty if he knows.If he doesn't he may be able to get you in touch with someone with that info.It may be a good place to start.....

  • Chris, I am sorry that was not looking at this forum back March; my information may be too late for you.

    I do not have any issue of The Official Guide from 1940, but I do have a copy of the November, 1939 issue. It shows a connection from Buffalo to Port Alleghany on the Pennsylvania, which left Buffalo at 9:10 in the morning, and arrived at Port Allegany at 11:35. The next train for Coudersport left at 11:40, and arrived in Coudersport at 12:20. Going to Buffalo (if this would enter into the story), your characters would leave Coudersport at 3:45 in the after, arrive in Port Allegany at 4:25, leave there at 4:42, and arrive in Buffalo at 7:15.

