Need Some Help

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Need Some Help

  • Hello,

    I am not going to beat around the bush and just say that I my knowledge of trains is very limited. So I don't know where to go online to buy/look for information. But here is what I am looking for:

    I am looking to purchasing two steam locomotives, for two passenger trains that I want to make a customize. I need them both undecorated and in black.

    The first Locomotive I am looking at is a 2-6-6-2, but I can only find it with markings on it,  and I am wanting to get a set of black undecorated passenger cars for this train. And I am looking for a set of 12 passenger cars for this one.

    The second locomotive I need is a 4-8-4, and I am looking for with this one 12 silver undercorated passenger cars.

    And finally I am looking for lettering that you can rub on or what ever to customize both of these trains, For the 2-6-6-2 I am wanting to make a Halloween train, and the 4-8-4 I am wanting to make a Christmas train.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!

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  • I would repost this in the model railroad genral discusion section.
  • I agree that moving this thread to the MRR forums will greatly increase the response level.

    Walthers has many of the undecorated items currently available that you are seeking.

    Incidentally, while you can model any which way you want, the 2-6-6-2 was almost exclusively a slower moving drag for coal, not a passenger locomotive.



    Alton Junction