SP&S book "The Northwest's Own Railway" missing pages?

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SP&S book "The Northwest's Own Railway" missing pages?

  • After many years I just acquired the book "The Northwest's Own Railway,  Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway and its Subsidies" volume 1, by Walter R. Grande.

    As I start reading it get to page 29.  It ends with a short paragraph, "In the early 1920s Mr. Howard Elliot, by this time chairman of the NP, announced that the GN and NP were considering doing away with the SP&S as a sepa-"

    When one turns the page, page 30 begins with a new paragraph, "Diesel locomotives were replacing the steam locomotives' and the diesel powered trains were......."

    It seems to me like the book is missing two full pages of narrative.   I am able to find the publishers address & phone but no web-site or e-mail.   I am not able to find any contact info on the author.  Can someone else who has this book please look at their copy and see if it is the same?


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  • My copy is the same. 

    The pages are out of order.

    Follow this sequence:  page 29->page 32->page 30->page 35->page36-------->

    I tried to sell my two cents worth, but no one would give me a plug nickel for it.

    I don't have a leg to stand on.

  • Thanks.  I never thought to read ahead and find where it picked up again.  I just stopped at the first error in a panic.
