Wabash Railroad hump yards

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Wabash Railroad hump yards

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  • SPer: Just guessing here, but I bet you are frustrated that you made a posting and nothing showed up... Right?

    I bet you are using Internet Explorer version 7, 8 or 9... Right?

    You need to set IE to "Compatibility Mode" in order for Trains . com to let you post properly.

    On the TOOLS menu (press and release the "ALT" key to make the menu bar show up, if it is not showing now) and click on the entry "Compatibility View".  (If you click the Tools menu again (press that ALT key again if necessary) you will see a Check Mark next to the entry, showing that the mode is enabled, but don't click it again or it will undo the selection!)

    You only need to do this once for any web site that needs it.  Once set for Trains dot com it will be set for all the forums and other parts of the Trains dot com site.  You may find it needs to be done for other web sites as well.  Many sites need you to set Compatibility mode for some of their features to work, it just happens to be the "Post a message" part of Trains dot com.

    There is another Tools menu entry labeled "Compatibility View Settings" that will open a dialog box that shows a list of all the sites that your copy of IE is accessing in "Compatibility" mode that you can edit if you wish.  You may already have a few other sites in that list.


    Semper Vaporo
