Can anyone identify this?

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Can anyone identify this?

  • I am scanning old pics, and came across this one.  The negative apprently was partly double exposed as the film did not advance properly in the camera.   It is WWII era, but I am not sure what it is.  It looks like a train car, but I think it actually is something else sitting on a train flat-bed car.  Can anyone identify what this is?

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  • It is definitively a regular passenger car, like they were used throughout Europe in the first half of the 1900´s. Certainly not something resting on a flat car.

    I cannot identify the location, however. It could be France or Belgium, maybe Summer of 1945.

  • Europe sometime 1945-46, could be in Germany. Notice several of the kids are either holding something or putting something in their mouth. Most likely US troops being moved by train are stopped at a station and having a smoke break, and local kids showed up for handouts of candy and gum. Atmosphere seems pretty relaxed so I'm guessing it would after the fighting ended.
